The Few, The Caring
As a person commits to doing the things that shout "great leadership", like being empathetic, taking an interest in the motivations of others, and enabling others to move in positive directions, they commonly come to understand one important thing:
In order to do these things with fidelity, consistency, and authenticity, you've got to deeply care about the people you're trying to lead.
I mean, SACRIFICIALLY care for them.
Real caring involves the kind of commitment that keeps you as a leader doing the things mentioned above even when the person you're trying to lead is being totally uncooperative. That kind of caring convinces the people around you that you aren't being manipulative - you actually truly care about them. That kind of caring makes others want to be at your side when it's time to save the world.
Before any of you start thinking this might be easy, think again. It's simple, but not easy. If it were easy, we wouldn't have so many broken marriages and messed up child/parent relationships in this world. I mean, most of us can't seem to sacrificially care for our own family members consistently, so the percentage who can extend this kind of behavior to people at work is tiny.
Let us help you be one of the few!