Expose Yourself
I have psoriasis. I've struggled to control it for 30 years, trying many different kinds of drugs, topicals, and treatments with varying degrees of success. Most of the things I've tried come with undesirable side effects that must also be managed.
One thing I've learned for sure - the right amount of sunlight on the affected areas of my body over time is the most natural and inexpensive way to manage the disorder.
It's ironic that a disorder that is extremely unsightly and embarrassing to show in public is often best treated by exposing the affected areas, right?
Leadership is like that.
To improve, you actually have to expose your flaws. Some people call it "showing your vulnerability", but that term minimizes the importance of what we're after. Often, "showing your vulnerability" comes off as a technique or trick to connect with the people you are trying to lead.
What I think great leaders often do is create systems of accountability for themselves. They are not only open to receiving feedback from those they lead, but they create systems that ensure they'll get that feedback on a regular basis - and act on it. Most importantly, great leaders build trust so that it's more likely the feedback they receive is honest.
If you've never considered doing this in your own leadership practice, we’d love to show you how.